We will need:
– Hook 2.00 mm
– 100% cotton yarn suitable for
magic ring
– Pair of eyes with safety plug
diameter 6 mm
– Stitching needle
– Filler
Colors used by the author:
– Beige or cream body thread
– 5 different colors (4 for his colorful plaques, 1 matching color for his scarf.)
– Different color leftovers to decorate your Ramon.
We use beige or cream thread
1 row. 6 sc in a magic ring
2 row. *add magic ring* repeat in a circle (12)
3 – 4 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (12)
5 row. *1 sc, add magic ring*, repeat around (18)
6 row. 8 sc, 2 increments, 8 sc (20)
7 row. 9 sc, *add magic ring, sc*, repeat twice, 7 sc (22)
8 row. 10 sc, add magic ring, 2 sc, add magic ring, 8 sc (24)
9 row. 7 sc, *inc magic ring, sc *, repeat twice, inc magic ring, * sc, inc magic ring*, repeat 3
times, 6 sc (30)
10 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (30)
11 row. 8 sc, *inc magic ring, 2 sc*, repeat twice, inc magic ring, *2 sc, inc magic ring*, repeat 3
times, 6 sc (36).
Place the eyes between the 11th and 12th rows, embroider the cheeks with a pink thread.
12 – 20 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (36)
21 row. *4 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (30)
Starting to add filler
22 row. *3 sc, demagic ring *, repeat 6 times (24)
23 row. *2 sc, demagic ring *, repeat 6 times (18)
We continue to add filler.
24 row. *1 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (12)
25 row. demagic ring repeat 6 times (6)
Close knitting and hide the thread.
We use beige or cream thread
1 row. 6 sc in a magic ring
2 row. *add magic ring* repeat in a circle (12)
3 row. *add magic ring* repeat in a circle (24)
4 row. *3 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (30)
5 row. *4 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (36)
6 row. *5 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (42)
7 – 15 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (42)
16 row. *5 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (36)
17 – 19 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (36)
20 row. *4 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (30)
21 – 23 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (30)
Starting to add filler
24 row. *3 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (24)
25 – 26 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (24)
27 row. *2 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (18)
28 – 29 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (18)
We continue to add filler.
30 row. *1 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (12)
31 – 32 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (12)
Close knitting, leave a long thread for sewing to the head.
We use a beige or cream thread, we make 2 pieces
1 row. 6 sc in a magic ring
2 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (6)
3 row. Add magic ring x 6 (12)
4 – 9 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (12)
We do not fill the detail
10 row. Flatten piece and knit sc through both sides of piece (6)
Close knitting, leave a long thread for sewing to the head.
We use a beige or cream thread, we make 2 pieces
1 row. Work 2 ch, work 4 sc into 2 sts from magic ring hook (4).
2 row. Add magic ring x 4 (8)
3 – 11 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (8)
We do not fill the detail
12 row. Flatten piece and knit sc through both sides of piece (4)
Close knitting, leave a long thread for sewing to the body.
We use a beige or cream thread, we make 2 pieces
1 row. 6 sc in a magic ring
2 row. *add magic ring* repeat in a circle (12)
3 row. *2 sc, adding magic ring *, repeat 4 times (16)
4 row. work in the back side of the loop, 5 sc * 1 popcorn stitch, 1 sc *, repeat 3 times, 5
5 – 8 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (16)
9 row. *2 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 4 times (12)
10 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (12)
Adding filler…
11 row. 2 sc, flatten piece and work sc through both sides of piece (6)
Close knitting, leave a long thread for sewing to the body.
Blashmagic ring on the body 1
Use the first color
1 row. 6 sc in a magic ring
2 row. *add magic ring* repeat in a circle (12)
3 row. *1 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (18)
4 row. *2 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (24)
5 – 21 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (24)
Do not add filler
22 row. *2 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (18)
23 row. *1 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (12)
24 row. Decа magic ring repeat 6 times (6)
Close knitting, leave a long thread for sewing to the body.
Blashmagic ring on the body 2
Using the second color
1 row. 6 sc in a magic ring
2 row. *add magic ring* repeat in a circle (12)
3 row. *1 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (18)
4 row. *2 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (24)
5 – 27 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (24)
Do not add filler
28 row. *2 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (18)
29 row. *1 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (12)
30 row. Decа magic ring repeat 6 times (6)
Close knitting, leave a long thread for sewing to the body.
Blashmagic ring on the body 3
Using a third color
1 row. 6 sc in a magic ring
2 row. *add magic ring* repeat in a circle (12)
3 row. *1 sc, accessoryin magic ring*, repeat 6 times (18)
4 row. *2 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (24)
5 – 31 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (24)
Do not add filler
32 row. *2 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (18)
33 row. *1 sc, demagic ring*, repeat 6 times (12)
34 row. Decа magic ring repeat 6 times (6)
Close knitting, leave a long thread for sewing to the body.
Headplatemagic ring/magic ringpuff:
Using the fourth color
1 row. 6 sc in a magic ring
2 row. *add magic ring* repeat in a circle (12)
3 row. *1 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (18)
4 row. *2 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (24)
5 row. *3 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (30)
6 row. *4 sc, adding magic ring*, repeat 6 times (36)
7 row. sc in magic ring waiting for loop (36)
IMPORTANT! Now we will start knitting by turning the row
8 row. 10 sc, 1 ch, turn
9 row. demagic ring, 6 sc, demagic ring (8). 1 ch, turn
10 row. demagic ring, 4 sc, demagic ring (6). 1 ch, turn
11 row. demagic ring, 2 sc, demagic ring (4). 1 ch, turn
12 – 13 row. 4 sc. 1 ch, turn
14 row. 4 sc
15 row. Now we should tie the sc to the whole part. First we knit loops between
between the magic rings at the end of the rows on the forehead, then along the “magic ring” and finally between
between magic rings at the other end of the rows on the forehead. Close knitting, leave a long thread for
sewing to the body.
We start knitting with the third color
1 row. 5 sc in a magic ring
2 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (5)
3 row. Add magic ring x 5 (10)
4 – 5 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (10)
6 row. Change the thread to color 2, knit only on the back side of the loops, sc in the magic ring every loop
7 – 10 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (10)
Start stuffing the tail, but do not stuff it tightly.
11 row. Change the thread to color 3, knit only on the back side of the loops, sc in the magic ring every loop
12 – 15 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (10)
16 row. Change the thread to color 4, knit only on the back side of the loops, sc in the magic ring every loop
17 – 19 row. sc in magic ring waiting loop (10)
20 row. flatten the piece and knit sc through both sides of the piece. (5)
Close knitting, leave a long thread for sewing to the body.
We knit a row by turning knitting, not in a circle. Use the color of your choice…
1 row. 61 ch. We start knitting with 2 loops from the magic ring hook, sc into the magic ring every loop (60). 1 ch and turn.
2 row. knit only on the back side of the loops, sc in the magic ring every loop.
Close knitting and hide the ends. Make a tiny fringe on the scarf by tying to
the ends of short pieces of yarn.
Magic ring collection:
– Sew the head plaque/magic ring pouch to the head.
– Curve the ears and sew them to the head, on top of the headband.
– Using the remaining tail, sew the torso to the base of the head.
– Sew the arms to the body.
– Sew the legs to the body, in a sitting position.
– Sew the tail to the back of the body.
– Flatten the plaques on the body and bend them. Now sew the first one in place surrounding
neck, and a third plaque covering the tail. Then sew the second plaque on top of the first and
third, partially closing them.
– Using leftovers from different colors, embroider dots and dashes to decorate the plaques of your
Ramona in the form of meximagic ring ‘alebrie’. Just have fun!
– Tie a scarf around Ramon’s neck.